If there is no translation, then the original untranslated text is displayed in the game, Google Translator is called, the translated text is written to _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt and only then the translation is displayed in the game. All texts that are not translated in RedirectedResources are checked into this directory.

Even if you have no experience, you can help by proofreading or using machine translation services such as Google Translate or DeepL (we currently recommend to use DeepL). Regardless of your translation skill and Japanese knowledge you can still help with translations. Extract the zip and place the BepInEx folder inside your game folder (where the file "HoneySelect2.exe" is).Īny help is appreciated.If you are a translator, read the sections below to see how to contribute to the translations. Alternatively, advanced users can get the latest beta translations by clicking on the "Clone or download" button above. Go to the "releases" page above and download the latest version.

Ensure you have the prerequisites installed.HS2_TranslationCacheCleaner (optional, but recommended).Translates Japanese names into the Western alphabet without trying to translate into English avoiding mistakes like 悟飯=Food instead of 悟飯=Gohan). HS2_TranslationHelper.v1.1 (Optional, but recommended.

HS2_Subtitles (required to see subtitles).HS2_TextResourceRedirector (required for most resources).The translations are applied while the game is running and do not require replacing or modifying any game files. English fan translation project for Honey Select 2.